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Florida Flood Zone Map Brevard County

Brevard County Flood Zone Map Update

New Zones Take Effect

The new Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Brevard County, Florida, is now in effect. The map shows the areas that are at risk for flooding, and it is used to determine flood insurance rates. The new map includes some changes from the previous map, and it is important for residents to be aware of these changes.

Changes to the Flood Zone Map

The new FIRM includes several changes from the previous map. Some areas that were previously in a flood zone have been removed, while other areas have been added. The map also includes new flood zones, such as the "Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)." The SFHA is the area that is at the highest risk for flooding.

Impact of the New Flood Zone Map

The new FIRM will have a significant impact on flood insurance rates in Brevard County. Residents who live in the SFHA will see their flood insurance rates increase. Residents who live in areas that have been removed from the flood zone will see their flood insurance rates decrease.

How to Get a Copy of the New Flood Zone Map

Copies of the new FIRM are available online at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website. You can also obtain a copy of the map from the Brevard County Emergency Management Office.


The new FIRM for Brevard County is now in effect. It is important for residents to be aware of the changes to the map and how they will affect flood insurance rates. Residents should contact their insurance agent to discuss their flood insurance coverage.
